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Revolutionizing Shoreline Cleanup: Autonomous USV Microplastic Collection

Alex Huang

May 21

Estimated reading time: 9 minute(s)

Revolutionizing Shoreline Cleanup: Autonomous USV Microplastic Collection - Splash image


This article discusses an innovative project involving an Unmanned Surface Vehicle (USV) designed to autonomously collect microplastics along shorelines. The project aims to create a scalable, environmentally friendly solution with a fleet of USVs controlled by a single ground station, using advanced software and hardware integration.


Keeping shorelines clean from microplastics is a daunting task, but with the advancement of technology, an innovative solution is on the horizon. The Unmanned Surface Vehicle (USV) project aims to autonomously collect microplastics around shorelines, providing a scalable and efficient method to tackle this environmental issue.


The UVic Environmental Engineering Club (UVEEC) is dedicated to creating out-of-the-box engineering solutions for everyday environmental problems in the Capital Regional District of Victoria, British Columbia. UVEEC's primary purpose is to leverage innovative technology and engineering principles to develop practical solutions that benefit the environment and local communities. For more information, visit their LinkedIn page and official website.

Objective of Unmanned Surface Vehicle (USV)

The primary goal of this project is to prove the concept of an autonomous microplastic collection method. Microplastics are tiny bits of plastic smaller than the end of a pencil, which have significant negative effects on marine life and potentially unknown effects on humans. The USV is a twin-hulled catamaran that will drag a filtration module through ocean water to collect these microplastics.

The real innovation in this project lies in the planned microbubble filtration system. Because plastic is hydrophobic (meaning water does not stick to it), plastic particles tend to stick to tiny air bubbles, which then float to the surface, allowing for effective collection. This method leverages the physical properties of microplastics to separate them from the water efficiently.

Scope and Constraints

The project focuses on designing a microplastic filtration system specifically for seawater. This system must operate efficiently within the constraints of being cost-effective, ecologically friendly, and developed within a 2-3 semester timeframe. Additionally, the project involves creating a scaled-down prototype, which poses unique challenges, particularly for components like solar panels.

Software Goal

One of the most ambitious goals of the software development is to create a fully autonomous system where a single ground station can control multiple USVs simultaneously. The vision is to have a fleet of USVs operating cohesively, with each vessel capable of sending logs and data back to a central server. This server acts as an intermediary, facilitating communication between the ground station and each USV, ensuring real-time updates and efficient data management.

Software Data Flow

The software data flow for this project is structured into three main components: the Raspberry Pi on the USV, the Socket.io Server hosted in the cloud, and the Ground Station running locally on a laptop. This setup not only ensures efficient data handling but also reduces costs by avoiding cloud hosting for the ground station.

Here's a simplified breakdown of the data flow:

1. Ground Station: The user sets a route and transmits it to the USV via the Socket.io server.
2. Raspberry Pi (USV): Receives the route, starts the mission, and sends commands to the motors and rudders. Sensor data is logged and transmitted back to the WebSocket server.
3. Socket.io Server: Relays data between the USV and the ground station, ensuring real-time updates and command execution.

The Raspberry Pi on the USV is equipped with multiple sensors that communicate with a microcontroller managed by the firmware team. The microcontroller acts as a black box for the software team, sending sensor data and receiving commands. The key functions include communicating serially with the microcontroller, sending and receiving data from the WebSocket server, managing collision detection via sonar, autonomously navigating the route provided by the ground station, and logging all operational data. The software on the Pi is written in Python, leveraging an event-driven architecture and the multi-processing module to ensure robust performance. For more details on the Pi setup, visit the USV Pi GitHub repository.

The Socket.io server, built using Express and written in TypeScript, serves as a minimalistic yet crucial component. Its main functions include authenticating the USV and ground station connections, logging data, and relaying information between the USV and ground station. For a closer look at the server implementation, check out the USV Server GitHub repository.

The ground station is a single-page React application written in TypeScript. It's designed to provide a user-friendly interface for managing the USV’s operations. The key functions include setting and deleting route points, clearing routes, viewing logs, and pausing and starting the USV. A mocked-up version of the ground station interface is currently in development and can be explored on Figma. For the latest updates and code, visit the USV Ground Station GitHub repository.

Teams and Responsibilities

The project is a collaborative effort involving multiple teams, each with specific duties to ensure the success of the USV:

Mechanical Team

The mechanical team is responsible for the design and manufacture of the complete USV, including components like the hull, drivetrain, and filtration mounts. They conduct various analyses, such as computational fluid dynamics (CFD) and finite element analysis (FEA), to ensure optimal performance. The team also fine-tunes the USV’s driving dynamics and documents test results.

Filtration Team

The filtration team focuses on designing and testing the microplastic filtration system. They ensure the system operates without harming the marine ecosystem and conduct scientific research to justify the filtration methods used. The team designs and manufactures all filtration components, from the intake duct to the filtration housing.

Electrical Team

The electrical team designs and manufactures electronic components, including motors, GPS, and sensors. They also write firmware to control autonomous functions and interpret sensor data. The team ensures seamless integration of electronic systems with the mechanical design and documents the performance of hardware and firmware.

Software Team

The software team develops algorithms for autonomous control, collision detection, and route planning. They create a user-friendly interface for the ground station and maintain a website for project updates and sponsor information. The software ensures the USV can operate efficiently and safely, navigating pre-set routes and collecting valuable data.

Insights into the USV Project

Innovative Use of Microbubble Filtration

One of the standout features of this USV project is the use of microbubble filtration. This innovative approach leverages the hydrophobic properties of plastic, which causes it to adhere to air bubbles rather than water. By introducing bubbles into the water, microplastics are encouraged to float to the surface, where they can be collected more efficiently. This method not only increases the effectiveness of microplastic collection but also minimizes the disruption to marine life and habitats compared to traditional filtration systems.

Scalability and Autonomous Control

The vision for the USV project extends beyond a single vehicle to a fleet of autonomous USVs. By centralizing control through a single ground station, the project can scale up significantly without requiring a proportional increase in human operators. Each USV can operate independently but remains in constant communication with the central server, which coordinates their activities and ensures data is collected and analyzed in real-time. This scalable model can be a game-changer in large-scale environmental cleanup efforts, offering a practical solution to the widespread issue of microplastic pollution.

Multi-disciplinary Collaboration

The success of the USV project hinges on the seamless collaboration between various engineering disciplines. Mechanical engineers are tasked with the design and structural integrity of the USV, ensuring it can withstand the harsh marine environment. Electrical engineers focus on the power systems, sensors, and communication hardware that enable autonomous operation. Software engineers develop the algorithms and interfaces that allow the USV to navigate and perform its tasks autonomously. This multi-disciplinary approach ensures that all aspects of the project are well-integrated and optimized for performance.

Real-world Testing and Adaptation

A significant component of the project involves real-world testing in the local marine environment. This phase is crucial for identifying potential issues that may not be apparent in a controlled lab setting. For example, the team must consider factors such as varying water salinity, temperature fluctuations, and the presence of other marine debris that could affect the USV’s performance. By testing and iterating on the design in real-world conditions, the team can make necessary adjustments to improve reliability and efficiency.

Environmental Impact and Sustainability

The USV project is designed with sustainability in mind. The filtration system is carefully engineered to minimize harm to marine ecosystems, ensuring that while microplastics are removed, the local flora and fauna are not adversely affected. Additionally, the use of renewable energy sources, such as solar panels, is being explored to power the USV, further reducing its environmental footprint. This focus on sustainability ensures that the project not only addresses the immediate issue of microplastic pollution but also contributes to long-term environmental health.

Educational and Community Engagement

The USV project also serves as an educational tool and a means to engage the local community. By involving students from various engineering disciplines, the project provides hands-on experience and fosters a deeper understanding of environmental issues and technological solutions. Additionally, outreach efforts aim to raise awareness about microplastic pollution and the innovative ways it can be tackled. This dual focus on education and community engagement helps build a broader base of support for environmental initiatives and inspires the next generation of engineers and environmentalists.


The USV project represents a significant leap forward in the battle against microplastic pollution. By harnessing advanced technologies and innovative design, it aims to create a scalable solution capable of making a real difference. With the successful deployment of this proof-of-concept, the initiative looks forward to expanding and deploying a fleet of USVs to clean shorelines more effectively.

For a more detailed overview of the project, including technical specifications and future updates, be sure to check out the full project description.

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