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Master SwiftUI with MVVM: Best Practices, Tips, and Advanced Techniques

Alex Huang

May 24

Estimated reading time: 7 minute(s)

Master SwiftUI with MVVM: Best Practices, Tips, and Advanced Techniques - Splash image


This article delves into the best practices for implementing the MVVM (Model-View-ViewModel) architecture in SwiftUI. It covers the separation of concerns, enhanced testability, and improved maintainability that MVVM offers. The guide includes step-by-step instructions on setting up a SwiftUI project, creating Models, ViewModels, and Views, and advanced techniques like dependency injection and unit testing. Additionally, it provides performance optimization tips and resources for further learning.


SwiftUI has transformed iOS development by introducing a more intuitive and declarative approach to UI design. However, creating scalable and maintainable apps requires more than just a new framework—it demands the right architectural pattern. That's where MVVM (Model-View-ViewModel) comes in. This architecture divides your code into three distinct layers, making it more organized and testable. Let's dive into why MVVM is advantageous and how to leverage it effectively in SwiftUI.

Why Choose MVVM?

Separation of Concerns

MVVM is all about keeping things neat and tidy by separating responsibilities:

Model: Manages the data and business logic. Think of it as the brain of your app.
View: Handles the user interface and displays data. It's the face your users interact with.
ViewModel: Acts as an intermediary, managing the data that the View displays and handling the interaction between the Model and the View.

This separation not only makes your code more readable but also ensures each part of your app is only responsible for one thing, making it easier to debug and extend.

Enhanced Testability

Isolating the business logic in the ViewModel means you can write unit tests without worrying about the UI layer. This makes your tests more reliable and easier to write, allowing you to catch bugs early and ensure your code behaves as expected.

Improved Maintainability

With MVVM, each component has a single responsibility, making the codebase easier to understand, maintain, and extend. If you need to update the UI, you can do so without touching the business logic, and vice versa. This modularity leads to more maintainable code.

Setting Up Your SwiftUI Project

Before diving into code, it’s essential to structure your SwiftUI project correctly. A well-organized project is like a well-organized workspace: everything has its place, making development smoother and more efficient. Here’s how to do it:

1. Models: Contains data structures and business logic.
2. ViewModels: Handles the presentation logic and state management.
3. Views: Comprises SwiftUI views that form the user interface.

Creating the Folders

In Xcode, create three folders named Models, ViewModels, and Views. This separation will keep your project clean and manageable, making it easier to find and manage your files as your app grows.

Building the Model

The model represents the data layer in your application. It includes the business logic and network services. Here are some best practices for building the model:

Example Model

Let’s say we’re building a simple app to display a list of books. Here’s a basic Book model:

import Foundation

struct Book: Identifiable {
var id: UUID
var title: String
var author: String
var publishedDate: Date

Network Service

If your app fetches data from an API, encapsulate the networking code in a separate service class. This keeps your network logic isolated and reusable:

import Foundation

class BookService {
func fetchBooks(completion: @escaping ([Book]) -> Void) {
// Mocked network call for demonstration
let books = [
Book(id: UUID(), title: "SwiftUI Essentials", author: "John Doe", publishedDate: Date()),
Book(id: UUID(), title: "Mastering Swift", author: "Jane Smith", publishedDate: Date())

Creating the ViewModel

The ViewModel handles all the presentation logic and state management. It serves as a bridge between the View and the Model, ensuring that the View remains free of business logic.

Example ViewModel

Here’s a BookViewModel to manage the state for our book list view:

import Combine

class BookViewModel: ObservableObject {
@Published var books: [Book] = []
private var bookService = BookService()
private var cancellables = Set<AnyCancellable>()

init() {

func fetchBooks() {
bookService.fetchBooks { [weak self] books in
self?.books = books

ViewModel Best Practices

Use @Published: To automatically notify the view when the data changes. This makes your UI reactive and up-to-date without manual refreshes.
Manage Memory: Use [weak self] in closures to avoid memory leaks. Memory management is crucial in any app to ensure it runs smoothly without crashes.
Combine Framework: Leverage Combine for reactive programming. Combine simplifies managing state and data flow, making your code more predictable and easier to understand.

Developing the View

The view layer in SwiftUI is where you build your user interface. The View interacts with the ViewModel and updates whenever the state changes.

Example View

Here’s a BookListView that displays a list of books:

import SwiftUI

struct BookListView: View {
@ObservedObject var viewModel = BookViewModel()

var body: some View {
NavigationView {
List(viewModel.books) { book in
VStack(alignment: .leading) {

View Best Practices

Use @ObservedObject: To observe changes in the ViewModel. This ensures your UI always reflects the current state of your data.
Keep Views Simple: Each view should have a single responsibility. Complex views should be broken down into smaller, reusable components.
Leverage SwiftUI Features: Use built-in SwiftUI components like List and NavigationView for common UI patterns. This not only speeds up development but also ensures a consistent user experience.

Connecting the Layers

To effectively bind your View to the ViewModel, use SwiftUI’s property wrappers like @ObservedObject and @State. Ensure your ViewModel publishes changes to its properties so the View can update accordingly.

Example Binding

In the BookListView, we observe the BookViewModel:

@ObservedObject var viewModel = BookViewModel()

This way, any updates to viewModel.books will automatically reflect in the view, ensuring a seamless data flow between your layers.

Advanced Tips and Tricks

To enhance your MVVM implementation in SwiftUI, consider these advanced techniques:

Dependency Injection

For better testability, inject dependencies instead of instantiating them within the ViewModel. This decouples your code and makes it easier to swap out dependencies for testing:

class BookViewModel: ObservableObject {
@Published var books: [Book] = []
private var bookService: BookService

init(bookService: BookService) {
self.bookService = bookService

func fetchBooks() {
bookService.fetchBooks { [weak self] books in
self?.books = books

Unit Testing

Write unit tests for your ViewModel to ensure the business logic is correct. Use XCTest to verify the ViewModel’s behavior:

import XCTest
@testable import YourApp

class BookViewModelTests: XCTestCase {
func testFetchBooks() {
let mockService = MockBookService()
let viewModel = BookViewModel(bookService: mockService)


XCTAssertEqual(viewModel.books.count, 2)

class MockBookService: BookService {
override func fetchBooks(completion: @escaping ([Book]) -> Void) {
let books = [
Book(id: UUID(), title: "Mock Book 1", author: "Mock Author 1", publishedDate: Date()),
Book(id: UUID(), title: "Mock Book 2", author: "Mock Author 2", publishedDate: Date())

State Management

Use state management techniques to handle complex state changes. Combine and SwiftUI’s built-in state management tools can help you manage your app’s state efficiently. This is particularly useful in larger apps where state changes can be numerous and complex.

Performance Optimization

Optimize your SwiftUI views for performance by minimizing the number of state updates and using SwiftUI’s @ViewBuilder and Group to reduce the view hierarchy’s complexity. Performance is crucial in providing a smooth user experience, especially in data-heavy applications.

Wrapping Up

Implementing MVVM in SwiftUI can significantly enhance your app’s maintainability and scalability. By structuring your project well, adhering to best practices in building Models, ViewModels, and Views, and leveraging advanced techniques like dependency injection and unit testing, you’ll create robust and efficient iOS applications.

Remember, the key to mastering MVVM in SwiftUI is practice and continuous learning. Keep experimenting with different approaches and stay updated with the latest SwiftUI advancements.


For further reading and deeper dives into MVVM and SwiftUI, check out these resources:

By following these best practices, you’ll be well on your way to becoming a proficient SwiftUI developer with a solid grasp of the MVVM architecture. Happy coding!

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